The Responsibility of Nurturing Future Generations: A Mother's Day Reflection

“Do nothing from selfish ambition or conceit, but in humility count others more significant than yourselves. Let each of you look not only to his own interests, but also to the interests of others.” - Philippians 2:34

As the month of May begins, our minds are filled with thoughts of spring blooms, warmer weather, and outdoor activities. For many, it’s also the celebration of Mother's Day… a time when we honour the women who have nurtured us and helped us become who we are today. This year, however, I want to take a different approach to this holiday - one that goes beyond the flowers, cards, and brunches.

You might be surprised to learn that, despite the fact that motherhood is highly valued in our society, birth rates are actually declining. More women are delaying motherhood to prioritize education and career, resulting in a 30% increase in the birth rate for women aged 30-34 since 1990, while the birth rate for women under 30 has declined. Overall, birth rates hit a record low in 2020 with only 55.8 births per 1,000 women aged 15-44.

One reason for this trend is what's been termed as "involuntary childlessness”, meaning that many couples who want children may face difficulties due to a variety of factors such as infertility or lack of available partners because they have waited till their thirties to start a family. The documentary “Birth Gap” explores this issue and its implications on individuals, families, and society as a whole - including an aging population with fewer young people to support them economically and socially.

Based on this alarming trend, women who aspire to have children but also want to establish their careers, may want to consider starting their families earlier rather than later. This way, they can enjoy the precious early years with their children while still having grandparents who are young enough to help out and plenty of time to pursue their professional dreams afterwards.

On a personal note, I made the decision to step away from an executive role in my late twenties so I could focus on starting a family. Later on, when my boys were a bit older, I decided to go back to school at the age of 37. Despite this, I still managed to build a successful professional career that has lasted for 23 years (and counting).

But as we all know, parenthood is about a lot more than timing. It's a fact that being a parent is one of the most challenging yet rewarding experiences that life has to offer. As parents and caregivers, we have been given the unique privilege and responsibility of nurturing our children and preparing them for the future. It is our duty to instill Godly values in our children and nurture them to become successful individuals with a strong sense of purpose. This responsibility is priceless, and it requires us to be selfless, investing time and energy in shaping our children's character. However, we must also recognize that our children are exposed to different worldviews outside of our homes, and it's essential that we educate ourselves about these perspectives so that we can help guide our children through them with grace. As Christians, it’s crucial that we honour differing viewpoints while still maintaining an unwavering commitment to Godly principles. By doing so, we not only fulfill our role as parents but also promote harmony in society by valuing and respecting diverse perspectives.

Recently, I listened to a tribute for the late Dr. Charles Stanley and it made me consider the profound impact we can make on future generations. As we contemplate our own experiences and the lessons we've learned, we have an opportunity to create a legacy that can positively affect those who come after us. One way we can achieve this is by taking the time to document our life story, acknowledging God's blessings. This isn't only for our children and grandchildren but also for strangers who may discover our narratives. We all bear the responsibility of leaving behind something that reflects who we are as individuals while promoting love, empathy, concern for others, and sharing God's message. As Dr. Stanley so aptly put it: “Write. It. Down.”

As we celebrate Mother's Day, let us honor the devoted love and unwavering strength of all mothers and caregivers. May this devotional serve as a reminder to cherish the precious moments with our children, to embrace the challenges with grace and courage, and to cultivate a legacy of faith that will endure for generations to come. Let us uplift each other in this sacred journey of motherhood, nurturing a community of love, compassion, and steadfast faith within our families and beyond.


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